Well here is a quick rundown of me. I go to school at Western Michigan University. I am a business management major and
I am in my junior year. I am the President of the Paintball Club up here. We will have a website up soon that i'll link up
to through here. My hobbies are my Camaro, drag racing, messing with morotcycles, paintball, and doing whatever else i find
interesting at the moment.
If for some unknown reason you want to know even more about me, well here ya go. I was born in Pennsylvania, moved to Illinois
when i was 3, and now I live in Michigan for school. Back home I live with my dad, mom, sister, and my totally cool dog Spike.
At school I have 3 roomates that i share an apartment with. One of them is the Vice President of the paintball club here at
western, the chick ice skates a lot and argues with the first one a lot. The last one works, studies, and messes around with
his girlfriend, interesting guy huh? :D J/K Matt.

Although I can't tell ya much about my job, I will tell ya I work in security. If i told you anymore, id have to kill you,