This page has Chicks, Paintball, and other crazy pics that i throw up here from time to time.
Oldie McWrinklenips
This is Oldie. She was born before the start of recored history. I dont think she can die, but she might if the wind blows
too hard. Id dont know how she got on my site, but i like her soo much she might stick around after i ditch these other lame
ass pics.
Smiley McBlackie
One of these days ill have to post the story of Smiley. For now just know that it was quite funny, but you probably had to
be there to understand it.
A female Mullet and cubs
See the North American Female Mullet in her native habitat with her offspring. As you can see the cubs are only about 5 months
old now, but they are growing quickly. Their attractive head plumage will come in at about 2 years of age and probably remain
until they reach highschool when they will trim their natural hair growth in favor of a style that is less likely to get them
beat up. The mother Mullet will defend her prodginy with her life, but their natural enemies are very few. They include the
1990's, BoRic's, and anyone with a fashion sense. I could go on, but i wont.
Other Relatives
No way in hell I am related to these people, but i was too lazy to change the pic caption.